I got through Jazzpunk: Directors Cut (PS4) over the course of a couple of boozy nights,
and while some of the things that happened seem a bit fuzzy I'm content with the idea
that slight intoxication might be the best way to enjoy the game. It's an adventure game
which is really heavy on jokes and simple to play, no puzzle was too taxing to the point of
there not being a fail state or game over throughout the game. The humour is very much
Naked Gun meets Ren and Stimpy and the jokes are so constant there are some that fall flat
but many more that made me laugh. I was initially concerned that it would all revolve around
the noire spoof mixed with a few robot jokes but it wasn't long before my concerns were
erased, any meeting with the boss who sends you out on missions was especially funny.
The joke with him which concludes the whole game is one of the best. A few times tasks
went on a couple of beats too long, escaping the hotel and a collection of sporting events in
particular but it's hard to get too angry when while rooting around for one solution I
accidentally created some penis topiary. Its nothing special graphics wise, although at
points the mixture of 3D and flat sprites works really well and all the sounds, music and voice
acting really helps to build the odd world that I inhabited for a fleeting, drunken time. I'm not
too up on how the game came about but it feels like a game where the makers may have
been a little unhinged or at least they left all there inhibitions at the door before making
this wonderful strange thing and that's great because none of the gags I was bombarded
with felt strained or that they'd been through some sort of think tank. It might not be for
everyone but I liked it.
I soldiered on with another adventure game too, Life is Strange (PS4). I really want to get
it finished before the year is up, I loved the first chapter and then for some unknown reason
I failed to carry on. I've now got through to the end of the penultimate chapter and am really
excited to see where it goes next. Forgiving some dubious dialogue at times "I'm going
to take a dump. You coming with me?" It feels like a really good tv show most of the time
I'm content to watch the cutscenes rather than play the game, the effect my choices have on
the world also seem really poignant, in chapter 3 I made a few choices which really seemed
bad but I'm sticking to my guns and seeing where I end up. I've taken to one character
in particular and am starting to think my defending of them may well be a bad road to go
down. Hopefully I'll be done with it by next week, not because I want to rush through it but
because I want to see how it ends.